Friday, July 07, 2006

Gods' Own Country

But Kerala can be called as 'Dog's own country' also.
There are lot of dogs in the state.
Stray dogs, house dogs, ... dogs etc.
All these dogs bark, but only the stray dogs bite, bcoz they are not taught about this phrase "barking dogs seldom bite".

Otherwise Kerala is Gods' own country. There are lots of Gods living together. Variety Gods. Small Gods, big Gods, private Gods etc are there in Kerala.

In God's own country the man has no right to save a drowning man. It is the responsibility of the God. In other words, it is the fate of that man. We can watch it LIVE!!!

As we live in God's own country we need not work!!! God (for atheists, Govt) will provide the food, job etc. It is the responsibility of the God. We juz pray for it.

But we can even sell Gods, beliefs etc for votes. We can also kill people in the name of God.

Catchy phrase for the Lazy malayali...
God's own country....

Statutory Information: I love my state. Kerala is very beautiful.All Keralites are friendly and educated. No fun intended. I am a God fearing individual.

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